6 Posts


the future of the Operating System - LinuxCon 2015 keynote

the future of the Operating System - LinuxCon 2015 keynote

Given as a keynote at LinuxCon + CloudOpen Japan 2015. Linux has become the foundation for …

The Browser as an application platform

The Browser as an application platform

With Google launching their chrome book is significant as it reflects a substantial shift in …

Unix Jobs Management

Unix Jobs Management

Every self respecting linux, mac os X or *nix user should have a solid handle on managing jobs …

Human readable du sorted by size

Human readable du sorted by size

du is the *nix command for disk usage. It tells you how much space everything in the given …

Scaling Web Sites (LAMP) : Top Resources

Scaling Web Sites (LAMP) : Top Resources

Luckily it’s 2009 and there have been a bunch of successful websites that have had to deal with …

Backup Your Files

Backup Your Files

This article will show you how to automatically backup your files often and automatically.