This presentation was given as a Workshop at OSCON 2014.
New to Go? This tutorial will give developers an introduction and practical
experience in building applications with the Go language. Gopher Steve Francia,
Author of Hugo,
Cobra, and many other popular Go packages
breaks it down step by step as you build your own full featured Go application.
Starting with an introduction to the Go language. He then reviews the fantastic
go tools available. With our environment ready we will learn by doing. The
rest of the time is dedicated building a working go web and cli
application. Through our application development experience we will introduce
key features, libraries and best practices of using Go.
This tutorial is designed with developers in mind. Prior experience with any of the
following languages: ruby, perl, java, c#, javascript, php, node.js, or python
is preferred. We will be using the MongoDB database as a backend for our
We will be using/learning a variety of libraries including:
- bytes and strings
- templates
- net/http
- io, fmt, errors
- cobra
- mgo
- Gin
- Go.Rice
- Cobra
- Viper
Slide Transcript:
- Building your first Go App 1 Go mascot designed by Renée French and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
- @spf13 •Author of Hugo, Cobra, Viper & More •Chief Developer Advocate for MongoDB •Gopher 2
- My Go Story •I write a medium size blog •Frustrated with Wordpress performance & maintenance •Existing Static Site Generators had complicated installations & were very slow •Began writing a S.S.G. in Go called Hugo 1.5 years ago 4
- Hugo •Hugo is 2nd fastest growing Static Site Generator (40-50 * a week on github) •Hugo is one of the fastest Static Site Generators. 1000x faster than Jekyll •Easiest Installation of any SSG. Download and run •2nd most contributors of any Go project (Docker 1st)6
- Plan •Introduce Go Language •Introduce Tools & Libraries •Build our application •Tell the world how awesome we are 8
- Ground Rules •Workshops are hard, everyone works at a different pace •We will move on when about 50% are ready •Slides are online, feel free to work ahead or catch up 9
- http:// presentation/ first-go-app/ 10
- Installing Go •You should already have Go installed •If you don’t, do it NOW •Installation Guide 11
- Installing MongoDB •You should already have MongoDB installed •If you don’t, do it NOW •Installation Guide 12
- Git & Mercurial •Lastly we need Git & Mercurial • • 13
- Introduction to Go 14
- Why Another Language? • Software is slow • Sofware is hard to write • Software doesn’t scale well 15
- Go is Fast • Go execution speed is close to C • Go compile time rivals dynamic interpretation 16
- Go is Friendly • Feels like a dynamic language in many ways • Very small core language, easy to remember all of it • Single binary installation, no dependencies • Extensive Tooling & StdLib 17
- Go is Concurrent • Concurrency is part of the language • Any function can become a goroutine • Goroutines run concurrently, communicate through channels • Select waits for communication on any of a set of channels 18
- Go’s Inspiration •C: statement and expression syntax •Pascal: declaration syntax •Modula 2, Oberon 2: packages •CSP, Occam, Newsqueak, Limbo, Alef: concurrency •BCPL: the semicolon rule •Smalltalk: methods •Newsqueak: <-, := •APL: iota 19 … AND lessons good and bad from all those plus: C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, LISP, Python, Scala, …
- — txxxxd “Most of the appeal for me is not the features that Go has, but rather the features that have been intentionally left out.” 20
- — Rob Pike “Why would you have a language that is not theoretically exciting? Because it’s very useful.” 21
- package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println(“Hello, 世界") } Hello World 22
- Package •Not classes or objects •No subpackages •Fundamental building block in Go •Visibility is package-level, not type-level •Programs run “main” package 23 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- import •Provides access to a package •Package consists of types, functions, etc… •No circular dependencies 24 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- “fmt" •Package path is just a string •Standard library sits at the root (no path) •Core language is very small •Most functionality is in Stdlibs 25 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- func •Declaring a function •Same syntax for methods, anonymous functions & closures •main.main() is the function run when the program is executed 26 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- Main •No void •No return value •No function args (command line is in os package) 27 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- { } •Braces not spaces •Feels like C ( & most languages ) •Newline must be after brace (semicolons are inserted during compiliation) 28 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- fmt •Accessing the package imported above •Everything visible in the package will be accessible through the name (or alias if provided) 29 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- Println • Println, not println • Println, not print_ln •Capital for export •Variadic function using reflection 30 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- “Hello, 世界” •UTF-8 input source •Strings are immutable •Strings are UTF-8 encoded •String is a built-in type 31 package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世界") }
- Rob Pike did it better gophercon2014-opening-day-keynote 32
- Tons more… •types •constants •methods •interfaces •pointers •control flow •conditionals •tools •packages •concurrency 33
- Effective Go 34
- Lets write some code ! Introduce the go tools 35
- package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println("Hello,World") } Hello World 36 hello.go
- ❯ go run hello.go Hello,World Go Run 37
- ❯ go build hello.go ! ❯ls -lh 1.7M Jun 17 22:44 hello 72B Jun 17 22:43 hello.go ! ❯ ./hello Hello, World Go Build 38
- Go Fmt •Automatically formats Go source code •Ends stylistic debates •Integration with editors (vim, emacs, others) •Can also refactor code (see ) 39
- go Test •Enables easy testing of application •Integrates with the testing package •Supports benchmark, functional & unit style testing •Combine with ‘looper’ to have realtime feedback 40
- package main ! import "testing" ! func TestOne(t *testing.T) { one := false if !one { t.Errorf(“Test Failed”) } } Hello Test 41 hello_test.go
- ❯ go test ./… — FAIL: TestOne (0.00 seconds) hello_test.go:8: Test failed FAIL FAIL_/Code/firstApp0.012s ! ! ❯ go test ./… ok _/Code/firstApp0.012s Go Test 42
- Go Planet 43The planet logo is based on the Go mascot designed by Renée French and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
- Why Planet? •CLI application •Web application •Good introduction •Right sized •Database (MongoDB) •Concurrency 45
- Steps 0. Env Setup 1. Commands 2. Configuration 3. Working with Feeds 4. DB as Storage 5-6. Web Server 7-8. DB -> Templates 9. & 10. Add Polish 46
- Step 0 Setting up our environment 47
- Go PAth ! $GOPATH 48
- Go path •The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace (and dependencies) •It must not be the same path as your Go installation 49
- ❯ mkdir $HOME/go ! ❯ export GOPATH=$HOME/go Setting up 50
- export GOPATH=$USER/go export GOROOT=
go env GOROOT
PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin Linux & Mac 51 Add this to your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent)
- Windows •Control panel > System 52
- Go PAth •/home/user/gocode/ ($GOPATH) • src/ (put your source code here) • bin/ (binaries installed here) • pkg/ (installed package objects) 53
- Creating our project 54
- Project Dir •Make a directory inside of $GOPATH/src •I like mine to be in $GOPATH/src/ •It can not be a symlink •We will call this our working directory or $wd 55
- package main ! import "fmt" ! func main() { fmt.Println(“My Project") } main.go 56
- ❯ go run main.go My Project Run it 57
- 58 I’m on the #gopath with @spf13 at #OSCON Tweet Break
- Step 1 Creating the Command(s) 59
- Defining our first command 60
- Structs •Short for structure •Objectish … blend of data & methods, but no inheritance •Really cheap. Struct{} is free (0 bytes). 61
- Functions •Can have multiple return values •No overloading •No optional parameters (but variadic) 62
- First class Functions •Function literals are anonymous functions in Go •Can assign to a variable or field •Can use as function parameters or return values •Can be created as a goroutine 63
- pointers •Function calls copy arguments into the function •Pointers reference a location in memory where a value is stored rather than the value itself •In Go a pointer is represented using the * •The & operator gives us the address of a variable •Go automatically dereferences pointers when using “.” 64
- cobra •A CLI Commander •Easy management of commands & flags •Used by bitbucket, openshift & lots more 65
- go get -u Getting Cobra 66
- ❯ mkdir $wd/commands Commands Dir 67
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package commands ! import ( "fmt" "os" ! "" ) planet.go (1) 68
- Path = Url go get uses it to install 69
- var RootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "dagobah", Short:
Dagobah is an awesome planet style RSS aggregator
, Long: Dagobah provides planet style RSS aggregation. It is inspired by python planet. It has a simple YAML configuration and provides it's own webserver.
, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { fmt.Println("Dagobah runs") }, } planet.go (2) 70
- executing cobra’s command 71
- Variable Assignment •‘:=‘ is the short variable declaration operator Declares, creates & assigns simultaneously while infering type •Assignment via ‘=‘ requires prior declaration •var foo int = 10 is the same as foo := 10 72
- Error Handling •Errors are not exceptional. Should be part of the language •Typically one of the return values •No exceptions in Go fd, err := os.Open("test.go") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } 73
- ( Don’t) Panic •Should rarely be used if ever •Performs a full stack trace dump for end users •Use only in the most dire circumstances (like package can’t find FileSystem) •Can use ‘recover’, but only inside deferred functions 74
- func Execute() { err := RootCmd.Execute() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(-1) } } planet.go (3) 75
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package main ! import "" ! func main() { commands.Execute() } main.go 76 Make sure to use your path
- ❯ go run main.go Dagobah runs ! ❯ go run main.go help Running it 77
- Getting Help • • tree/step1 78
- Creating #CobraCommands with @spf13 at #OSCON Tweet Break
- Step 2 Easy Configuration 80
- Handing Config files 81
- Package Identifiers •Export with Capital name •No automatic getters & setters •var field … func Field() … func SetField() are appropriate names 82
- init() •Each source file can have one (or multiple) •Niladic function to setup state (function without return value) •Called after all variable declarations in the package 83
- Scoping •Very granular scoping. •Variables declared inside { } only survive in that cotrol structure (for, if, etc) •The := trap if := is used to declare x and x already exists in an outer scope a new variable x will be created (shadowing) 84
- package main ! import ( "errors" "fmt" ) ! var Foo int ! func Zero() (int, error) { return 0, errors.New("yo") } ! ! func main() { ! Foo = 10 ! fmt.Println("outer:", Foo) // 10 ! if Foo, err := Zero(); err != nil { fmt.Println("inner:", Foo) // 0 } ! fmt.Println("outer again:", Foo) // still 10 } := Trap 85
- Viper •A configuration manager •Easy loading of config files •Registry for application settings •Designed to work well with (or without) Cobra 86
- go get -u Getting Viper 87
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package commands ! import ( "fmt" "os" ! "" "" ) planet.go (1) 88
- var CfgFile string ! func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(initConfig) RootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&CfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is $HOME/dagobah/config.yaml)") } ! func initConfig() { if CfgFile != "" { viper.SetConfigFile(CfgFile) } viper.SetConfigName("config") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc/dagobah/") viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.dagobah/") viper.ReadInConfig() } planet.go (2) 89
- Creating our config file 90
- appname: "Dagobah" feeds: - "" - "" - "" - "" - "" ! $HOME/.dagobah/config.yaml 91
- trying it out 92
- var RootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "…", Short:
, Long: ...
, Run: rootRun, } ! func rootRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { fmt.Println(viper.Get("feeds")) fmt.Println(viper.GetString("appname")) } planet.go (3) 93
- ❯ go run main.go [ http:// http:// http://] Dagobah Running it 94
- I got bit by the #goviper at #OSCON Tweet Break
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step2 96
- Step 3 Working with Feeds 97
- Finding Libraries 98
- 99
- Go wiki 100
- go-pkg-rss •Fetch Rss and Atom feeds from the internet •Supports RSS .92, 1.0, 2.0 & Atom 1.0 •Respects TTL, SkipDays, CacheTimeout, etc in the feeds 101
- go get -u pkg-rss Getting Go-PKG-RSS 102
- boilerplate stuff 103
- import ( "time" … ) ! func addCommands() { RootCmd.AddCommand(fetchCmd) } ! func Execute() { addCommands() … } planet.go 104
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package commands ! import ( "fmt" "os" "time" ! rss "" "" "" ) Fetch.Go (1) 105
- Creating our own type 106
- Named Types •Can be any known type (struct, string, int, slice, a new type you’ve declared, etc) •Can have methods declared on it •Not an alias. Explicit type. 107
- Slices & arrays •Array is fixed in length •Slice can be viewed as a dynamic array (can grow) •Slice is a view of an array •Slice is the core data structure in Go for lists of data 108
- type Config struct { Feeds []string Port int } Fetch.Go (2) 109
- Defining the fetch command 110
- New( ) •new(T) Does 2 things at once: •Allocates new zeroed value of type T •Returns a pointer to the new value ( *T) •Used for all non-reference types 111
- Make( ) •Creates slices, maps, and channels only •These types are special “reference” types •Makes a initialized (not zeroed) value of type T •Does not return a pointer 112
- Composite Literals •An expression that creates a new value each time it is evaluated •We’ve already used these quite a bit •Can also be create values of arrays, slices, and maps •Pseudo Constructor •eg File{fd: fd, name: name} 113
- Constructors •Not built into Go •Use Composite Literals when possible •If initialization is needed use a factory •Convention is to use New___() •… or New() when only one type is exported in the package 114
- var fetchCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "fetch", Short: "Fetch feeds", Long:
Dagobah will fetch all feeds listed in the config file.
, Run: fetchRun } ! func init() { fetchCmd.Flags().Int("rsstimeout", 5, "Timeout (in min) for RSS retrival") viper.BindPFlag("rsstimeout", fetchCmd.Flags().Lookup("rsstimeout")) } Fetch.go (3) 115
- Fetching in a goroutine 116
- GoRoutines •A function executing concurrently with other goroutines in the same address space •Lightweight •Not threads, coroutines, or processes 117
- Channels •Channels are lightweight •Synchronize goroutines by communication rather than locking shared memory •Channel <- Sender —- Writes block when channel is full •<- Channel —- Reads blocks waiting for something to be read •Great talk on channels given at GopherCon 118
- Marshaling into •We can’t return a T (no generics) •We can reflect on any value of any type •Marshal accepts the address of the value so it can manipulate the value directly 119
- func fetchRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { Fetcher() ! sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt) <-sigChan } Fetch.go (4) 120
- func Fetcher() { var config Config if err := viper.Marshal(&config); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } ! for _, feed := range config.Feeds { go PollFeed(feed.Url) } } Fetch.go (5) 121
- Building our fetcher 122
- Learning about go-pkg-rss •How do we learn how to use the package? 123
- Learning about go-pkg-rss • •Readme is pretty lacking • 124
- 125
- Go Search 126
- For •For, Foreach & While are all spelled ‘for’ in Go for init; condition; post { } // Like a C for for condition { } // Like a C while for { } // Like a C for(;;) 127
- func PollFeed(uri string) { timeout := viper.GetInt("RSSTimeout") if timeout < 1 { timeout = 1 } feed := rss.New(timeout, true, chanHandler, itemHandler) ! for { if err := feed.Fetch(uri, nil); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[e] %s: %s", uri, err) return } ! fmt.Printf("Sleeping for %d seconds on %sn", feed.SecondsTillUpdate(), uri) time.Sleep(time.Duration(feed.SecondsTillUpdate() * 1e9)) } } Fetch.GO (6) 128
- func chanHandler(feed *rss.Feed, newchannels []*rss.Channel) { fmt.Printf("%d new channel(s) in %sn", len(newchannels), feed.Url) } ! func itemHandler(feed *rss.Feed, ch *rss.Channel, newitems []*rss.Item) { fmt.Printf("%d new item(s) in %sn", len(newitems), feed.Url) } Fetch.go (7) 129
- ❯ go run dagobah.go fetch –rsstimeout=1 15 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 300 seconds on 25 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 300 seconds on default 10 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 299 seconds on Running it 130
- Tweet Break I wrote my first goroutine at #OSCON with @spf13
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step3 132
- Step 4 Storing in the Database 133
- Pretty • •pretty.Println(X,Y,Z) 134
- MongoDB •Open Source •Document Database •Document == Struct or Document == Map •Works seamlessly with Go (and other languages) 135
- MongoDB •Fast & Scalable •Used by Disney, IBM, Metlife, eBay, Forbes, Craigslist, Cisco, Stripe 136
- Mgo •Developed by the open source community •Heavily used throughout Go community •"mgo is the best database driver I've ever used." — Patrick Crosby, Founder of StatHat •"mgo and Go are a pair made in heaven. — Brian Ketelsen, Author of GopherTimes.com137
- go get -u Getting mgo 138
- boilerplate stuff 139
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package commands ! import ( "fmt" "os" ! "" "" ) ! var mongodbSession *mgo.Session ! func init() { RootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("mongodb_uri", "localhost", "host where mongoDB is") viper.BindPFlag("mongodb_uri", RootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup(“mongodb_uri")) CreateUniqueIndexes() } MongoDB.go (1) 140
- Setting up a DB session 141
- func DBSession() *mgo.Session { if mongodbSession == nil { uri := os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI") if uri == "" { uri = viper.GetString("mongodb_uri") ! if uri == "" { log.Fatalln("No connection uri for MongoDB provided") } } ! var err error mongodbSession, err = mgo.Dial(uri) if mongodbSession == nil || err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't connect to mongo, go error %vn", err) } ! mongodbSession.SetSafe(&mgo.Safe{}) } return mongodbSession } MongoDB.go (2) 142
- setting up some shortcuts 143
- ! func DB() *mgo.Database { return DBSession().DB(viper.GetString("dbname")) } ! func Items() *mgo.Collection { return DB().C("items") } ! func Channels() *mgo.Collection { return DB().C("channels") } MongoDB.go (3) 144
- Setting up indexes 145
- func CreateUniqueIndexes() { idx := mgo.Index{ Key: []string{"key"}, Unique: true, DropDups: true, Background: true, Sparse: true, } ! if err := Items().EnsureIndex(idx); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } ! if err := Channels().EnsureIndex(idx); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } } MongoDB.go (4) 146
- Preparing the data 147
- Data Prep •Feeds are dirty •Go doesn’t allow “patching” of structs (not how structs work) •MongoDB works with native types & named types 148
- Tags (Annotations) •String literal following a field declaration •Provides additional information during reflection •Used by JSON, BSON, YAML, etc 149
- for x,y := range •Provides a way to iterate over an array, slice, string, map, or channel. •Like Foreach or Each in other languages •x is key, y is value… can ignore by setting to _ 150
- Append •Append is really awesome, feels like push, but does a lot more. •Append will grow a slice (both length & capacity) •… and copy the underlying array if needed 151
- type Itm struct { Date time.Time Key string ChannelKey string Title string FullContent string Links []*rss.Link Description string Author rss.Author Categories []*rss.Category Comments string Enclosures []*rss.Enclosure Guid *string
Source *rss.Source PubDate string Id string bson:",omitempty"
Generator *rss.Generator Contributors []string Content *rss.Content Extensions map[string]map[string][]rss.Extension } fetch.go 152
- func itmify(o *rss.Item, ch *rss.Channel) Itm { var x Itm x.Title = o.Title x.Links = o.Links x.ChannelKey = ch.Key() x.Description = o.Description x.Author = o.Author x.Categories = o.Categories x.Comments = o.Comments x.Enclosures = o.Enclosures x.Guid = o.Guid x.PubDate = o.PubDate x.Id = o.Id x.Key = o.Key() x.Generator = o.Generator x.Contributors = o.Contributors x.Content = o.Content x.Extensions = o.Extensions x.Date, _ = o.ParsedPubDate() ! if o.Content != nil && o.Content.Text != "" { x.FullContent = o.Content.Text } else { x.FullContent = o.Description } ! return x } fetch.go 153
- type Chnl struct { Key string Title string Links []rss.Link Description string Language string Copyright string ManagingEditor string WebMaster string PubDate string LastBuildDate string Docs string Categories []*rss.Category Generator rss.Generator TTL int Rating string SkipHours []int SkipDays []int Image rss.Image ItemKeys []string Cloud rss.Cloud TextInput rss.Input Extensions map[string]map[string] []rss.Extension Id string Rights string Author rss.Author SubTitle rss.SubTitle } fetch.go 154
- func chnlify(o *rss.Channel) Chnl { var x Chnl x.Key = o.Key() x.Title = o.Title x.Links = o.Links x.Description = o.Description x.Language = o.Language x.Copyright = o.Copyright x.ManagingEditor = o.ManagingEditor x.WebMaster = o.WebMaster x.PubDate = o.PubDate x.LastBuildDate = o.LastBuildDate x.Docs = o.Docs x.Categories = o.Categories x.Generator = o.Generator x.TTL = o.TTL x.Rating = o.Rating x.SkipHours = o.SkipHours x.SkipDays = o.SkipDays x.Image = o.Image x.Cloud = o.Cloud x.TextInput = o.TextInput x.Extensions = o.Extensions x.Id = o.Id x.Rights = o.Rights x.Author = o.Author x.SubTitle = o.SubTitle ! … ! return x } fetch.go 155
- … ! ! var keys []string for _, y := range o.Items { keys = append(keys, y.Key()) } x.ItemKeys = keys ! … fetch.go 156
- Storing Feeds & Items 157
- The Blank Identifier ‘_’ •Used to ignore return values from a function •Used with imports as an alias • Allows import of unused packages so init functions can be executed 158
- func chanHandler(feed *rss.Feed, newchannels []*rss.Channel) { fmt.Printf("%d new channel(s) in %sn", len(newchannels), feed.Url) for _, ch := range newchannels { chnl := chnlify(ch) if err := Channels().Insert(chnl); err != nil { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "E11000") { fmt.Printf("Database error. Err: %v", err) } } } } fetch.go 159
- func itemHandler(feed *rss.Feed, ch *rss.Channel, newitems []*rss.Item) { fmt.Printf("%d new item(s) in %sn", len(newitems), feed.Url) for _, item := range newitems { itm := itmify(item, ch) if err := Items().Insert(itm); err != nil { if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "E11000") { fmt.Printf("Database error. Err: %v", err) } } } } fetch.go 160
- Running MongoDB 161
- ❯ mongod MongoDB starting : pid=51054 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db Running MongoDB 162
- ❯ mongo Mongo Shell 163
- ❯ go run dagobah.go fetch –rsstimeout=1 15 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 300 seconds on 25 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 300 seconds on default 10 new item(s) in 1 new channel(s) in Sleeping for 299 seconds on Running planet 164
- > use dagobah > db.items.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("53b4c08bddbc460a933cf3ed"), "date" : ISODate("2014-07-01T00:00:00Z"), "key" : "", "channelkey" : "Recent Content on Hacking Management", "title" : "Pointers vs References", "links" : [ { "href" : "", "rel" : "", "type" : "", "hreflang" : "" Looking at the Data 165
- _ID •MongoDB’s primary key •Default is to use an “object_id” •Object_id guaranteed to be unique across your entire cluster •MongoDB will create it for you on insert 166
- Tweet Break Feeding mgo at #OSCON with @spf13
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step4 168
- Step 5 Building a web Server 169
- Lots of choices •Beego High-performance web framework •Gin Martini like with better performance •Goji A minimalistic web framework •Gorilla A web toolkit •httprouter A high performance router •Mango modular web-app framework like Rack •Martini modular web apps & services •net/http Standard library web package •pat Sinatra style, by the author of Sinatra. •Revel A high-productivity web framework •tigertonic framework for JSON web services •traffic Sinatra inspired web framework for Go •web.go A simple framework to write webapps in Go. 170
- Gin •Compatible with net/http •Uses Httprouter (really fast) •Familiar/Friendly Interface •Works well with JSON •Had to pick something 171
- go get -u Getting Gin 172
- boilerplate stuff 173
- // Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia. // // Use of this source code is governed by an Apache2 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. ! package commands ! import ( "" "" "" ) Server.Go (1) 174
- Defining the Server command 175
- var serverCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "server", Short: "Server for feeds", Long:
Dagobah will serve all feeds listed in the config file.
, Run: serverRun, } ! func init() { serverCmd.Flags().Int("port", 1138, "Port to run Dagobah server on") viper.BindPFlag("port", serverCmd.Flags().Lookup("port")) } server.go (2) 176
- func addCommands() { RootCmd.AddCommand(fetchCmd) RootCmd.AddCommand(serverCmd) } planet.go 177
- Defining our first route 178
- func serverRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { r := gin.Default() ! r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) { c.String(200, "pong") }) ! port := viper.GetString("port") fmt.Println("Running on port:", port) r.Run(":" + port) } server.go (3) 179
- ❯ go run dagobah.go server Running it 180
- Check it out http://localhost:1138 181
- Tweet Break I wrote a webserver in go using Gin with @spf13 at #OSCON
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step5 183
- Step 6 Building a Dynamic Server 184
- Binary Problem? •Go ships as a single binary •Need to load files from within the binary •Don’t want to embed by hand 185
- go.rice •Nicely allows local loads in dev, and embedded loads when executing binary •Stable, but not very mature yet •Best option I know of 186
- go get -u go.rice Getting Go.Rice 187
- Serving Static Files 188
- Get your static & templates on 189
- import ( "fmt" "html/template" "log" "net/http" ! "" "" "" "" ) server.go 190
- func serverRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { … r.GET("/static/*filepath", staticServe) ! port := viper.GetString("port") fmt.Println("Running on port:", port) r.Run(":" + port) } server.go 191
- func staticServe(c *gin.Context) { static, err := rice.FindBox("static") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ! original := c.Request.URL.Path c.Request.URL.Path = c.Params.ByName("filepath") fmt.Println(c.Params.ByName("filepath")) http.FileServer(static.HTTPBox()).ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request) c.Request.URL.Path = original } server.go 192
- Loading & Serving Templates 193
- func loadTemplates(list …string) *template.Template { templateBox, err := rice.FindBox("templates") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } templates := template.New("") ! for _, x := range list { templateString, err := templateBox.String(x) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ! // get file contents as string _, err = templates.New(x).Parse(templateString) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } return templates } server.go 194
- func serverRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { r := gin.Default() templates := loadTemplates("full.html") r.SetHTMLTemplate(templates) ! r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) { c.String(200, "pong") }) ! r.GET("/", homeRoute) r.GET("/static/*filepath", staticServe) ! port := viper.GetString("port") fmt.Println("Running on port:", port) r.Run(":" + port) } server.go 195
- func homeRoute(c *gin.Context) { obj := gin.H{"title": "Go Rules"} c.HTML(200, “full.html", obj) } server.go 196
- ❯ go run dagobah.go server Running it 197
- Check it out http://localhost:1138 198
- Tweet Break No more mr rice guy with @spf13 at #OSCON
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step6 200
- Step 7 Connecting the Data to The templates 201
- Go Templates •Really nice to work with •Very simple, yet very powerful •Safe •Go Template Primer 202
- Understanding the data 203
- > db.items.find().sort({ "date" : -1 }).limit(1).pretty() { "_id" : ObjectId("53b4c08bddbc460a933cf3ed"), "date" : ISODate("2014-07-01T00:00:00Z"), "key" : "", "channelkey" : "Recent Content on Hacking Management", "title" : "Pointers vs References", "links" : [ { "href" : "", "rel" : "", "type" : "", "hreflang" : "" } Looking at the Schema 204
- Listing POsts 205
- passing data into the template •Go’s templates accept a variety of data types •Gin’s default is ‘H’ : map[string]interface{} •Feels natural •All (exported) methods bound to values in the map are accessible inside the template 206
- func homeRoute(c *gin.Context) { var posts []Itm results := Items().Find(bson.M{}).Sort("-date").Limit(20) results.All(&posts) ! obj := gin.H{"title": "Go Rules", "posts": posts} c.HTML(200, "full.html", obj) } server.go 207
- … <section id="latest-list" class="ui divided inbox selection list active tab" data-tab="recent"> {{ range $item := .posts }} {{ if $item.WorthShowing }} <a class="item" href=“#{{$item.Key | urlquery }}"> <div class="description">{{ $item.Title }}</div> <div class="right floated ui label small">{{ $item.Date.Format "Jan 2, 2006" }}</div> </a> {{ end }} {{ end }} </section> … Full.html 208
- Adding Helpers to itm 209
- func (i Itm) FirstLink() (link rss.Link) { if len(i.Links) == 0 || i.Links[0] == nil { return } return *i.Links[0] } ! func (i Itm) WorthShowing() bool { if len(i.FullContent) > 100 { return true } return false } fetch.go 210
- displaying POsts 211
- … <main> {{ with .message}}! <h1 class="ui header large"> {{.}} </h1>! {{ end }}! ! {{ range $item := .posts }}! {{ if $item.WorthShowing }}! <article data-key="{{$item.Key}}">! <header>! <a name="{{$item.Key}}">! <h1 class="ui header">{{$item.Title}}</h1>! <section class="meta-tags">! <a class="ui label large blue author" href="/channel/{{$item.ChannelKey}}">{{$item.Author.Name}}</a>! <span class="large ui label date">{{ $item.Date.Format "Jan 2, 2006" }}</span>! </section>! </header>! <section class="main-content">! {{$item.FullContent | html }}! </section>! <footer>! {{with $item.FirstLink}}! <a class="ui basic button" href="{{.Href}}">Source</a>! {{end}}! <div class="ui divider"></div>! </footer>! </article>! {{ end }}! {{ else }}! No Articles! {{ end }}! </main> … full.html 212
- Adding Template Functions 213
- func loadTemplates(list …string) *template.Template { templateBox, err := rice.FindBox("templates") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ! templates := template.New("") ! for _, x := range list { templateString, err := templateBox.String(x) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ! // get file contents as string _, err = templates.New(x).Parse(templateString) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } ! funcMap := template.FuncMap{ "html": ProperHtml, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, } ! templates.Funcs(funcMap) ! return templates } server.go 214
- func ProperHtml(text string) template.HTML { if strings.Contains(text, "content:encoded>") || strings.Contains(text, "content/:encoded>") { text = html.UnescapeString(text) } return template.HTML(html.UnescapeString(template.HTMLEscapeString(text))) } server.go 215
- Looking Good http://localhost:1138 216
- Tweet Break Conquering Go Templates with @spf13 at #OSCON
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step7 218
- Step 8 More Routes 219
- Adding Helpers 220
- func (c Chnl) HomePage() string { if len(c.Links) == 0 { return "" } ! url, err := url.Parse(c.Links[0].Href) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } return url.Scheme + "://" + url.Host } fetch.go 221
- ! func four04(c *gin.Context, message string) { c.HTML(404, "full.html", gin.H{"message": message, "title": message}) } server.go 222
- func AllChannels() []Chnl { var channels []Chnl r := Channels().Find(bson.M{}).Sort("-lastbuilddate") r.All(&channels) return channels } MongoDB.go 223
- Listing channels 224
- func homeRoute(c *gin.Context) { var posts []Itm results := Items().Find(bson.M{}).Sort("-date").Limit(20) results.All(&posts) ! obj := gin.H{"title": "Go Rules", "posts": posts, "channels": AllChannels()} c.HTML(200, "full.html", obj) } server.go 225
- … <section id="channel-list" class="ui large inverted vertical menu tab" data-tab=“channels"> <a class="item js-navigate" href="/" >! <i class="external home icon"></i>! <span class="ui name" href=""> All </span>! </a>! {{ range $channel := .channels }}! <div class="item js-navigate-channel" data-href="/channel/{{$channel.Key}}" data-key="{{$channel.Key}}" style="cursor:pointer;">! <a href="{{$channel.HomePage}}" class="ui float right"><i class="external url sign icon"></i></a>! <span class="ui name" href=""> {{$channel.Title}} </span>! <span class="ui label">{{ len $channel.Links }}</span>! </div>! {{end}}! </section> … full.html 226
- displaying channels 227
- func serverRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { … r.GET("/channel/*key", channelRoute) r.Run(":" + port) } server.go 228
- func channelRoute(c *gin.Context) { key := c.Params.ByName("key") if len(key) < 2 { four04(c, "Channel Not Found") return } ! key = key[1:] ! fmt.Println(key) ! var posts []Itm results := Items().Find(bson.M{"channelkey": key}).Sort("-date").Limit(20) results.All(&posts) ! if len(posts) == 0 { four04(c, "No Articles") return } … server.go - pt 1 229
- … var currentChannel Chnl err := Channels().Find(bson.M{"key": key}).One(¤tChannel) if err != nil { if string(err.Error()) == "not found" { four04(c, "Channel not found") return } else { fmt.Println(err) } } ! obj := gin.H{"title": currentChannel.Title, "header": currentChannel.Title, "posts": posts, "channels": AllChannels()} ! c.HTML(200, "full.html", obj) } server.go - pt 2 230
- displaying A post 231
- func serverRun(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { … r.GET("/post/*key", channelRoute) r.Run(":" + port) } server.go 232
- func postRoute(c *gin.Context) { key := c.Params.ByName("key") ! if len(key) < 2 { four04(c, "Invalid Post") return } ! key = key[1:] ! var ps []Itm r := Items().Find(bson.M{"key": key}).Sort("-date").Limit(1) r.All(&ps) ! if len(ps) == 0 { four04(c, "Post not found") return } … server.go - Pt 1 233
- … ! var posts []Itm results := Items().Find(bson.M{"date": bson.M{"$lte": ps[0].Date}}).Sort("-date").Limit(20) results.All(&posts) ! obj := gin.H{"title": ps[0].Title, "posts": posts, "channels": AllChannels()} ! c.HTML(200, "full.html", obj) } server.go - Pt 2 234
- Looking Good http://localhost:1138 235
- Tweet Break Making my own planet in #go with @spf13 at #OSCON
- https:// firstGoApp- Planet/tree/ step8 237
- Step 9 Advanced Routes 238
- Congrats •You’ve made it really far •Now the training wheels are off •Let’s try to add pagination & search 240
- Hints •You will need a new index •We’re talking full text here •You will also need a new route 241
- … r.GET("/", homeRoute) r.GET("/post/*key", postRoute) r.GET("/search/*query", searchRoute) r.GET("/static/*filepath", staticServe) r.GET("/channel/*key", channelRoute) … server.go 242
- Step 10 ! Add Polish 243
- What’s next ? •Add ‘truncate’ command to remove old posts and channels •Change root command to run fetcher & server •Add infinite scroll capabilities 244
- What’s next ? •Make it so users can provide their own static files & templates •Documentation •Blog posts 245
- In Conclusion 246 Go mascot designed by Renée French and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
- Thank yOU 247
- What have we done ? •Written our first lines of Go •Written our first Go package •Written our own web server •Written our first Go application •Learned a lot & had fun doing it 248
- @spf13 •Author of Hugo, Cobra, Viper & More •Chief Developer Advocate for MongoDB •Gopher 249